Iconic Beauty @Einhorn
(Afghan Hound rescue, known relatives but unknown pedigree)
Spayed female
Cream with small bit of white on chest
DOB: 10/15/22, estimate
Eyes: Brown
Height/Weight: 27 inches, 60 lb.
Teeth: Full dentition, scissor bite
Hips: pending
Elbows: pending
Eyes: anomaly on left, will be officially checked later this year
Full Afghan panel run, no diseases carried or mutations present.
AKC PAL # pending

I’ve wanted an Afghan since I saw one in the encyclopedia at age 5, and finally had the luck to acquire this amazing girl. Icon is the ridiculous muppet that came along and healed my soul a bit when Tyger passed and I was depressed. She’s been the joy-bringer from the beginning of my time with her. Apple just tolerates her it seems, but if I crate Icon and Apple is out, she’ll go lie at the crate door until I let Icon back out.
Icon is extremely playful, loving to throw her own toys. Of course, she’s also quick enough to catch them on the other end. She’ll chase anything that moves…leaves included! I’m hoping to do some Fast CAT with her at some point. Primarily, though, this girl is purely for my own entertainment.
Icon is extremely outgoing and friendly, most of the adults and pretty much all the kids in the area know her by name and come out when we walk to pet her. She has been invited to parties and is great on public transit and in elevators, etc. I may at some point consider therapy work with her.
So, were does her name come from? In the 1980s (although first introduced in 1979), Barbie had an Afghan Hound named ‘Beauty.’ When I was going to pick up Icon, my friends coined the trip (across several states) ‘Operation Barbie Dream Dog,’ so I wanted some nod to that in the name. And the name Icon comes from David Bowie, one of the ultimate rock icons. I had originally applied to adopt Icon’s brother, who would have been named Bowie. But, the name didn’t fit her. So, I looked first at songs of his and then realized what I’m going for is the general idea of a music icon anyway, so why not just try that? The name stuck, and this wonderful girl has made my life better every single day. Even though Aussies are my ongoing love, sometimes getting something completely out of the box is exactly right!